Written in Forever

Sirens come in many shapes and sizes. The one common thing about them is they’re meant to lure you to destruction.. Sam Paris, captain of a commercial fishing vessel, understands the dangers of sea sirens better than anyone. Thus far, the seas had treated him well, and he’s at a point in his life where he figures it will be smooth sailing from here on out. Then the fickle winds sweep a sexy drifter named Jo-Jo Bonvecchi, a man half his age, onto the decks of his trawler. And suddenly, everything changes, and Sam’s calm seas and smooth sailing are gone. All these years, Sam assumed that love had passed him by and he had likely lost his one chance at finding it. And hot sex with a virile and attractive Jo-Jo certainly isn’t a substitute. Or is it?
Jo-Jo is seriously a fish out of water, but like a piece of driftwood, he’s floated from town to town, from man to man, with no compass to point him in the direction of true love. But then he arrives in Pembroke Bay and comes face-to-face with a man who shouldn’t have been the answer to his true north. Yet there’s something about the little fishing community, something about the strong, capable trawler captain, that warms a spot inside Jo-Jo. And like a magnetic needle, Jo-Jo keeps returning to the surly man who initially wants no part of what he has to offer.
Can love’s siren call bring together two men who have thus far journeyed very different paths?
Jo-Jo Bonvecchi had suddenly discovered a passion for fishing coming slightly later in life than one might expect, at the age of twenty-nine. He stared up at the night sky sparkling with stars above him. The boat rolled beneath him. His lover’s cock sank deeper into him. Or perhaps it wasn’t so much the fishing, as the fisherman who was fucking him that Jo-Jo enjoyed so much.
Jo-Jo tilted his hips, inhaled the scent of seawater, sweat, the pungent aroma of brine, and thought about how the sea, the night sky, and this moment should go on forever and ever. Out here no one cared about who Jo-Jo Bonvecchi and Sam Paris were. No one cared about the age difference. They were just allowed to be whoever they wanted to be. Why couldn’t it always remain like this? Why did they have to go back and face that whole frigging round of censure again.
Jo-Jo wrapped his arms around Sam, the man who was the captain of his ship, in more ways than one. He leaned up and kissed Sam at the curve of his bristly neck. “Let’s stay here forever,” he whispered against the weather-beaten flesh.
Sam plunged into Jo-Jo again, buried himself deep in his channel and spurted into him. He groaned. Jo-Jo slid his hands up and down Sam’s sweat-slickened back. Yes, just like this, stay here forever, Sam inside him, the night sky above them, and the boat rocking them gently into a deep abiding dreamless sleep.
“Sam, don’t go,” Jo-Jo whispered, as Sam withdrew his softened prick from inside Jo-Jo. Sam dropped back onto the deck of the boat. Gray hairs dotted his broad barrel chest. A solid, athletic man still. Longish white hair, thinning perhaps in places, but Sam—Big Sam they called him on the docks—was everything Jo-Jo ever wanted in a man. Everything he’d been looking for. He leaned up next to his lover.
Sam looked over at Jo-Jo with an expression that said he’s seen so much over his years. “You’re so fucking young. How did I let you talk me into coming out here with you…again?”Jo-Jo grinned. “My winning smile maybe?”
Sam had sent Jo-Jo a text message to meet him at the lower end of the harbor after he got off work. This was Sam’s personal boat, a 1990’s 22-foot Starcraft, unlike the commercial vessel he skippered for Beacon Shipping, which was a twin-rigged trawler. Older than the hills, Sam liked to spend his free time working on it. And they were moving into a season where he’d have more free time as fall settled in.
Sam sat up and he shoved Jo-Jo onto his back. “It ain’t no smile that’s got me horny, kid.” He ran a hand down over Jo-Jo’s lean, younger body—a body that had toughened up since coming to Pembroke Bay. He grabbed Jo-Jo’s long, thick cock. Sam grinned. “I’d fuck you again if I was your age. No getting away from that. Been a long time since I couldn’t hold onto my self-control around someone. But something about you, kid. Foolish old man, that’s what I am. Wantin’ my youth back. Ain’t gonna happen.”
“I love you just the way you are, honey,” Jo-Jo said as he lifted a hand to cup Sam’s bristly jaw. “I love you just the way you are. How many times do I have to tell you that?”
Sam rubbed his cheek against Jo-Jo’s palm. “Too young for me. Just a kid. I’m thinking you’ve said that same thing to a lot of men, haven’t you?”
Jo-Jo sat up, pushing Sam back onto the deck, he knelt between Sam’s legs. “I’m twenty-nine. Yeah, I’ve been in love before—or thought I was. But this is different. I know what this is. This is forever, honey. Forever.”
“Bullshit! You don’t know nothing. I’m more than twenty years older than you. More than twenty years for Christ’s sake. You shouldn’t have even been a flicker of thought in my head, dammit. If it hadn’t been for—”
“Stop. Don’t say it.” Jo-Jo leaned over and French-kissed Sam. He was so tired of the denials about what was between them. Sam tried to pull back, but the more Sam fought, the harder Jo-Jo’s cock got. He grabbed Sam’s arms and shoved him back against the side of the boat, locking him in place. Part desperation perhaps? He stared into Sam’s eyes. “Why fight it? I know you want me. I knew it the first time I served you a meal. I saw it in your eyes then, I see it there now.” A man couldn’t mistake that flare of interest he’d seen in Sam’s eyes. Nor Jo-Jo’s physical response to that look.